Songs for Nepal

Songs for Nepal

Special Charity event of songs and music to raise funds in support for the Global Peace Foundation assistance programs to the survivors of the deadly Nepal earthquake.  May 23, 2015 1:30pmKawasaki International Center2-2 Kizuki Gioncho, Nakahara-ku, Japan For those who want to share, please send your donations to the following accounts: 1. ゆうちょ銀行 (Yucho Ginko: Japan Post Bank)口座番号 (account number): 00130-0-790645加入者名 (account holder’s name): Filipino Volunteers 2. 三井住友銀行 (Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation: SMBC)店名(Branch name and code): 恵比寿支店 (Ebisu Branch) 656預金種目(Account type): 普通 (Ordinary)口座番号(Account Number): 8840960※口座名(Account holder’s name):一般社団法人グローバル・ピース・ファウンデーション・ジャパン FILIPINO VOLUNTEERS※口座名カナ(account holder’s name by KATAKANA):イッパンシャダンホウジン グローバルピースファウンデーションジャパン フィリピノボランティア *Funds will be transferred to the Global Peace Foundation Nepal Office, which is working for humanitarian relief efforts to the survivors of the recent earthquake. 

Special Charity event of songs and music to raise funds in support for the Global Peace Foundation assistance programs to the survivors of the deadly Nepal earthquake. 

May 23, 2015 1:30pm
Kawasaki International Center
2-2 Kizuki Gioncho, Nakahara-ku, Japan

For those who want to share, please send your donations to the following accounts:

1. ゆうちょ銀行 (Yucho Ginko: Japan Post Bank)
口座番号 (account number): 00130-0-790645
加入者名 (account holder’s name): Filipino Volunteers

2. 三井住友銀行 (Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation: SMBC)
店名(Branch name and code): 恵比寿支店 (Ebisu Branch) 656
預金種目(Account type): 普通 (Ordinary)
口座番号(Account Number): 8840960
※口座名(Account holder’s name):
一般社団法人グローバル・ピース・ファウンデーション・ジャパン FILIPINO VOLUNTEERS
※口座名カナ(account holder’s name by KATAKANA):
イッパンシャダンホウジン グローバルピースファウンデーションジャパン フィリピノボランティア

*Funds will be transferred to the Global Peace Foundation Nepal Office, which is working for humanitarian relief efforts to the survivors of the recent earthquake.