Peace!Project Bridges Youth Across Faiths in Indonesia

Global Peace Foundation
August 24, 2022

Global Peace Foundation (GPF) Indonesia partnered with Duta Damai Jawa Tengah on July 30, 2022 to host a Peace!Project in Pura Giri Nata, Indonesia.

The service project brings together people from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds to participate in community service for the betterment of the community they share. With intentional dialogue, the program helps participants identify universal principles that resonate across various faith traditions and encourage them to spread a message of peace that extends beyond religion, organization, and political affiliation.

Religious intolerance is a hot issue on Indonesia’s national stage. Home to one of the largest Muslim populations, the country is filled with many people who strive to uphold the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, or “Unity in Diversity.”

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