Building Social Cohesion, Toward a Global Ethic
The Interfaith Peacebuilding Track at the Global Peace Convention in Manila 2017 was a balance of theory and practice, with renowned scholars sharing insights and courageous practitioners giving their on-the-ground experiences of peacebuilding. Among the participants, many local and international multi-sector leaders later reported transformative experiences, thought-provoking discussions and new opportunities for partnership.
“That the need for a global ethic is most urgent is becoming increasingly apparent to all; humankind no longer has the luxury of letting such an ethic slowly and haphazardly grow by itself. It is vital that there be a conscious focusing of energy on such a development. Immediate action is necessary.”
— Dr. Leonard Swidler, Dialogue Institute, Temple University
- Created interest in and provided information about the history and work of the global ethic/global ethical framework and how it might be applied or engaged at the local level to participants and current/potential partners.
- Fostered new relationships, potential partnerships and new opportunities to engage in interfaith dialogue and cooperation with local and international leaders.
- The Countering Violent Extremism session articulated the importance of long-term prevention of violent extremism through the work of education on shared values and projects designed to create social cohesion.
- Established a “Global Ethic Strategic Working Group” consisting of international scholars and practitioners to identify, assess and promote grassroots projects that apply the global ethic in an innovative and effective way in peacebuilding efforts in the field.
- “Peacesharing” was identified as necessary and valuable concept that can bring new insights and hope to seemingly intractable conflicts.